Thursday, August 8, 2013


Madeley surprises me every day with the things she asks.
Since she was very little, we've fought mosquito bites. They whelp up the size of a quarter and simply drive her crazy. We've used bug spray and itch cream over and over again, but if she gets close to a blade of grass for more than 30 seconds, she surely comes in with a bite or several. I should have expected her question, since she's wondered so much about God lately...
While stressing over two annoying bites, she asked, "Why does God put mosquito bites out in the summer?"
I said,"Great question!" Just the way she asked it made me smile.
Poor thing though, I have no clue!! I share in her wonders of the point of mosquitoes... so I looked it up. Of course there's a purpose... I need to start teaching her that God wouldn't have made it if it didn't serve a purpose. Anyhow, several bat species feed on mosquitoes, some eating more than 500 mosquitoes an hour... I need a pet bat to keep in the back yard!!
Mosquitoes can also pollenate and serve as a food source to many aquatic species. So now I have an answer for Madeley that will hopefully satisfy her. Maybe next summer I'll get more creative about how to keep the bugs away... like maybe a bat box. :|
So sad we only have a few days left of this summer!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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