Saturday, January 21, 2012


 I have read several articles lately on children and technology.  One of the articles discussed the time a toddler spends on an iPhone, iPod, or iPad.  I can see that this may be a problem.  Madeley sees me on my phone, and she wants it.  She has her own apps, and she's successful with them.  The same goes with the iPad.  I can walk out of the room... she sees her chance... and she takes it.  I come back and she's laid back in the recliner discovering all that the iPad can do.  I've seen her accidentally do something and thought to myself... I didn't know the iPad could do that.  While I still encourage her to play and read, I like the way the iPad exposes her to new ideas and knowledge.  I do think it is important to limit her time with the technology... I don't want it to take away from her growing imagination and playtime.  In a technology driven world, our kids are getting a huge head start though.


The other article I read was on television.  Once again, I see the issue.  This has been a battle for years though.  Parents have been trying to turn off the tv and push their kids outside ever since the things were invented.  Lately, Madeley enjoys laying on mine and Derrick's bed while watching her favorite shows.  I know the shows are educational.  I mean, we don't let her watch Spongebob or anything, but there is still an underlying problem.  I do not think Madeley is at risk of inactivity just yet, but tv-watching could become a bad habit... and eventually turn into inactivity.  Also, while she's watching tv, she isn't interacting with us.  Interaction helps increase her vocabulary and communication skills.  It is nice that she isn't holding my leg and whining while I'm cooking dinner though.  I probably shouldn't have admitted that.  I know someone that isn't going to let her child watch television until he's two.  This makes me feel bad.  I've been letting Madeley watch television since she was 7 weeks old... oops.  She's also been watching a portable DVD player in the car for an entire year... another oops.  But she's a terrible car rider.  I needed her to have a distraction!


I sort of despise reading these types of articles two years into my parenting career.  I can always set limitations, but I can't change the past.  I guess I can keep the television off when the next kid comes... and never touch my phone.  I could stand to put the phone down.  It is a big time waster/distraction.  I think kids learn bad habits from their parents, so I need to watch what I do.  I would much rather Madeley see me reading a book then playing on my phone!


How about you?  Is your kid addicted to tv or technology?



1 comment:

Dianne said...

I believe you are correct about the influence of technology on young can be good and not so good. Definitely a balance is needed, and I think you are wise to try to find one.

Love you.

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