Monday, October 24, 2011

Such a mess!

My child is such a mess. We were at my Dad's for a while tonight, so I decided to go ahead and bathe her. I got the water running and left Dad's bathroom to go to the other bathroom for shampoo. Along the way, I passed Madeley in the kitchen. I said, "Are you about ready for a bath?"
I got to the bathroom, got soap, and headed back to Dad's bathroom. Madeley was no longer in the kitchen, so I kept walking. I got to Dad's bathroom and found this...

I guess she was more ready for a bath than I thought. And yes, she's wearing socks, shoes, pants, a shirt, and a diaper. Nice.

Jessica and Dad both said, "I really wish you wouldn't leave her unattended like that."
My response... "I LEFT HER IN THE KITCHEN!! Not in a tub of water with her clothes on!" she just took the initiative to go ahead and take that bath. Here's a little video...

YouTube Video

She's a doll!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Betty said...

I think that's an absolute hoot! She's very literal, just as you were when you were younger..haha. I'll tell you stories sometime.

Love the picture! And, love you!

Dianne said...

Madeley was definitely quick to get in the tub when you mentioned "bath." Such a funny picture of her fully clothed in the water. I could not view the video (said it was a duplicate), but I know it was cute.

Love you.

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