Sunday, September 25, 2011

Great day

I have several pictures to share, so stick with me.

First of all, Madeley is not good at modeling new outfits for pictures. Here's yesterday's Razorback outfit...

Why couldn't she just smile? This is literally the best I could get.

We tried again today with the witch outfit. I said "smile" and this is what I got...

I finally got her to slow down enough for a quick shot.

We spent the day at Dad's house. He took Madeley and Caroline for rides on the lawn mower.

Great fun!!

Here are a few pictures taken throughout the day...

Goofy girl

Sweet kiss, ha ha.

Playing with Caroline

They were having lots of fun!

YouTube Video

Great day at Dad's!!


I saw this quote today, and I absolutely love it.

On a lighter note, a quote Jessica gave me today made me laugh out loud. Keep in mind that I dress extremely casual and Jessica dresses to perfection. Today, I was wearing black stretchy walmart pants, an oversized t-shirt, and a bad hairdo. Jessica was wearing an adorable shirt with black leggings and cute hair. Here's the quote:

Dress as if you may be murdered and found in the clothes you are wearing.

Now, I know it's a little extreme, but I definitely would not have wanted to be seen/found in the outfit I was wearing today. You know what I mean? I laugh, because this may actually cross Jessica's mind when she's choosing outfits. She's crazy!

Thanks for reading!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Dianne said...

Great pictures, great video, and great quotes. I love this post and this blog!

Love you.

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