Sunday, February 6, 2011

What makes a home?

Anyone can buy a house. Anyone can decorate a house. Anyone can move into a house. But when does that house become a home? I know for me, our rent house never seemed like a home. I constantly found myself wanting to go back to my parents' house. That was home. When Derrick and I decided to buy a house, it was an exciting feeling. I didn't decorate right away. Our first priority was to buy some furniture. It took about a month to come in, so we were still using borrowed furniture in the beginning. Once the furniture and the baby came, this place was where I wanted to be. Somewhere in that six months, this house became my home. We bought the house from our good friends Cliff and
Jaki... obsessive clean freaks! The house was spotless when we moved in, needless to say, not so much anymore. Derrick and I are the opposite of clean freaks. I wouldn't go so far as to say that we are dirty, messy is the appropriate word. Our house is decorated with laundry and toys.

These pictures were taken at different times. This is when I decide to take charge of the messiness and clean!!

Now, I do strongly hope there are others out there like me. Ones that want to sit and enjoy a cup of coffee as opposed to vacuuming the floors! I don't like
to call myself lazy, okay my sister would call me lazy, but I like to sit. I've had several people tell me they wish they would have cleaned less and enjoyed their kids more. Good idea!

I believe that once you begin to enjoy the warmth of your house, it becomes a home. When you raise your children there, when you can't wait to pull in the driveway after a long day, and when you just want to get in the recliner with a cup of your favorite drink and a good movie, that's when a house becomes a home.


There are also times when you'd rather be anywhere but home. Like last night at 11:30, when Madeley threw up all over me and the kitchen. There was a 10 second time period when I thought, "What the heck do I do next!?!?!?"

I was startled, worried, and freaked out all at once. I had on nice clothes and Madeley was all dressed for bed, but that soon changed. I threw her in the tub, cleaned her up, then proceeded to sanitize my house for an hour. Don't you just love nights like that? It sure does make you appreciate the normal nights. Hopefully my sweet baby will start feeling better soon.


Talking with you on this blog is helping me "face my demons," as Jessica would say. I will be cleaning my entire house today!!

Thanks for reading!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Karrie said...

Just wanted to let you know that yes, there are people out there like you. I have no problem playing with my girls, sitting around reading a book, or drinking a cup of coffee instead of cleaning! I tend to do the messy thing while Rob is on his trips, and then the day he comes back is my designated "cleaning day!"
I've never really been one to read blogs, but I am really enjoying yours. :)

Betty said...

I do hope Madeley is feeling better today. Your house looks so nice; I know you are enjoying it. I hope to see it in May.

LeLe said...

Aw, poor Madeley.

You are not alone. You should see my living room right now. I have made a goal to be a better housekeeper this year. If you go to my blog and click on the page at the top that says "The Great Clean-Up Progress" you can see what all I've accomplished. :P Winston has that same Leap Frog activity table.

I read a poem the other day called "Babies Don't Keep" and it was talking about how babies are only babies for a short time so moms should spend more time with them instead of cleaning. I wholeheartedly agree and neat freaks can just get over it that my house is messy!

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