Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Road Rage Rush

Every morning, I'm in a road rage rush.
Definition of road rage: aggressive or angry behavior by a driver of an automobile. Such behavior might include rude gestures (I would never), verbal insults (they only run through my head), deliberately driving in an unsafe or threatening manner (not with Madeley in the car).

Definition of rush: urge to an unnatural speed (such as 70 in a 55?); the act of moving hurriedly.

Pretty much, I'm urging to an unnatural speed so that I can verbally insult the slow people on the road, as I move hurriedly in an unsafe manner to work. Now, I had a reason to be frustrated this morning. Although it was raining, it was not icy, it was not snowing, and it was not sleeting. On a rainy day, I definitely go the speed limit, but I DO NOT drive 40 mph!! And not only was I going 40 mph, I was going 40 behind 3 other people. No light at the end of the tunnel. Oh, and we also slowed down to 30 in every curve. I was dying inside, and singing "Party in the USA" really loud... just trying to calm myself. Madeley likes it too, she claps.

I finally got to pass the slowest of the slow pokes, no comment on the license plate. I made it to school at 7:58. Ugh!

Well, I think my road rage stayed in my system a little bit. Madeley always gets fussy about 20 minutes before we get home. So today I was really ready to get home (I had a meeting, remember?). I turned down my road and got ready to turn left into my driveway. As I slowed down, there was a car coming toward me. The driver slowed down, he obviously knew I was about to turn. I thought he was still coming, so I stalled a minute. We both sat there a second, waiting for the other to move. I suddenly got tired of waiting and threw my hands in the air. He moves forward, and as he does, I give him my eyebrows down mean look. Then I saw his face. Oops... Preacher. I should have known... nicest man ever! I wanted to get out of my car, run down the street, and tell him I was sorry!

Lesson learned... Watch for preachers, and smile!

P.S. I would like to make a side note:

I am well aware of the fact that if I wasn't late everywhere I go, I would not have to be pressed for time. Which usually induces the road rage. This is me taking responsibility for this issue. I'm praying about time management.

Cold ride home today!

Love y'all for listening to all my issues!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Catherine Anne said...

LOL, You make me laugh! I could just see you. All I could think is Morgan does not have a mean look. Sorry but you dont.

Betty said...

The preacher?? That is too funny! At least you used it on the person who is probably the most forgiving in your community!

CassieD said...

Next time you should give the fish face...or the molester man face...They'll never know what hit 'em!! LOve ya!!

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