Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

We had a wonderful day today! Madeley and I woke up early to wish Derrick happy father's day. We gave him a present and a card that Madeley attempted to sign/scribble all over. He loved it though. We relaxed for a few minutes before hurrying to get ready for church. I waited a little too late to get a picture of Derrick and Madeley in their church clothes. They looked great though.

After church, we headed to Dad's to spend the afternoon with him. Jessica and Caroline joined us. We had a great lunch, then Dad, Caroline, Derrick, Madeley, Joe, and I took a long nap... not all in the same spot. Jessica lounged at the pool. I know she enjoyed the quiet time. It's funny how we plan to spend the afternoon together, then we all end up sleeping! It was nice though. After her nap, Madeley visited with Dad. They had a great time, as usual.

It's just a little dark... from naptime.

I think Dad had a great father's day! We sure do love him!

Later in the evening, we headed to Derrick's parents' house. His dad cooked dinner, and he's getting really good at it! Madeley found Mrs. Jackie's wig. We laughed until we cried! Here she is with Mr. Larry...

With me...

It didn't seem to bother her a bit!

I know she enjoys all the attention, even though she acts shy.

Derrick and I have been blessed with wonderful, caring fathers. We are very lucky. And I know Derrick wants to be the best he can be for Madeley.

She's worth it!

Thanks for reading!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Unknown said...

Wonderful post Morgan! I'm glad it was such a nice day for you all! Love the wig pics, that makes various wigs for Madeley, right? :)

Dianne said...

Seems you had a wonderful Father's Day, and we did as well. We are all so blessed.

Madeley is quite the "Wig Child" adorable.

Love you.

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