Thursday, August 4, 2011


I'm not ready to talk about my classroom quite yet. I will tell you this though... it's getting better. Thanks to Janna for helping me today. She has her own classroom to work in as well, but she took the time to do what she could for me. If you know me, you know I can be a pack rat. A piler. A hoarder... "I might use this..." you know what I mean. Well, I'm attempting to fight that with this new room... not as successfully as I would like though. Janna has to check the trash to make sure my throw aways are acceptable. I would like you to know that I kept six packages of chalk and five slide rules today. Yes, chalk and side rules. I'm not allowed to throw away. Wouldn't it be a crime to meet a hoarder that's attempting to change, then tell them they can't throw away anything?? Janna knows I'm kidding. SOMEONE may want this stuff. If you need chalk, slide rules, or geoboards, see me!!

Tomorrow, I plan to organize organize. I said that twice because I mean it. My friend Kristin will be proud of me!

To all of you that are checking on me and my progress, thank you! I can see that this year is going to be a good one. It will be nice to teach at home.

Thanks for reading!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Dianne said...

I understand that your classroom is still a "work in progress," but I know it will look great when you are finished. I truly believe that this will be a good year for you, your students, and your family.

Enjoy your weekend, and I love you.

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