Saturday, August 13, 2011

Wasted time

My friend Rebekah recently got me thinking about time spent on the internet. She actually deleted her Facebook and twitter apps on her phone... hoping that would cut down on her wasted phone/internet time. I have said before that I don't want to look back on Madeley's childhood and realize that all I did was click click click on my phone. It can happen before we even realize it. Aunt Betty always tells me that I spend too much time on my phone. Even when Derrick and I are watching television, we'll both be on our phones. The AT&T lady warned us when we got our iPhones that this situation would happen. She was right... many nights, he's on the couch and I'm in the recliner and we have our phones in our hands. Rebekah- I'm tired of it too!!

It just takes up too much time. Agreed? In the past week, I've turned off my phone twice, just to ensure that I wouldn't waste my time with it.

Sheridan High School is big on reading, which is great! Many of the faculty signed up to be in Club 11. It's pretty much a promise that says we'll read at least 11 books this year. We'll talk to our students about the books, and hopefully encourage them to read as well. In the evenings, after Madeley is in bed, I've been trying to replace the "phone time" with reading. Reading makes us more well-rounded individuals. It also makes me proud of myself, and I love discussing what I've read with others. Reading takes my mind off whatever's stressing me, and I go to sleep easier.

So to sum this up, I admit I've been wasting my time on my phone. So if you don't see me much on Facebook or twitter, I'm either spending time with Madeley and Derrick, reading, grading, cleaning, working, or sleeping... those are the things I need to be doing. Hopefully I can also get back into the groove of morning Bible studies, now that I'm closer to school and all. Mrs. Sherry- are you going to wake me up at 5 am?? :)

Thanks to Rebekah for opening my eyes to this wasted time issue. And thanks to you for listening to me ramble.


Here a few pictures Jessica took.

Madeley is just a doll, as always!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Dianne said...

I don't have a Facebook account for the very reason you wrote about today! I know I miss a lot of good pictures and some information, but I have too much to do to stay on my phone and computer.

The pictures are precious and Madeley is so beautiful. Brian looks good, too, and so does his music room. Thanks for sharing.

Love you.

Betty said...

I don't know where you find the time for Facebook and Twitter...I'm dropping my Twitter account...who ARE these people who show up as followers and WHY on EARTH would they want to follow me?? I think it's just a thing about getting as many 'followers' or 'following' as many as you can...and, I'm just not into that. Anyhow, I've been following you on Twitter; but, I'm giving that one up.

Cute pictures of Madeley with Brian; he's so patient and a great uncle!

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