Thursday, June 23, 2011


Playing with Madeley is like a being in a boxing match... it's possible that I could get knocked out at any time. It's like she has no idea that we are about to collide, and she continues at full force. She flails her arms and rocks her head back and forth. She head butted me directly on the cheekbone tonight. I think we were both crying. A few times, she's bucked like a horse and knocked me square on the chin... just slight of knocking me out. Clearly she thinks she's training for MMA or something! I may have to start wearing protective head gear! Any of you ever get attacked/beaten up by your child?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Dianne said...

I am sorry about your cheekbone, Morgan. I know that did hurt. Once, Mary LeNoir was jumping and her head hit me under the chin. It seemed that I saw stars for several minutes. Children are stronger than they think.

Love you.

Lori said...

Awww, my girl has definitely hit me on more than one occasion. Hope you're okay!

New follower, please stop on by..

Betty said...

No, but Skooter peed on my foot once...haha.

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