Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I have had a short temper lately... someone may be rubbing off on me. I think I used to be a little more easy going. But now, I get a fired up at the smallest issues. Like a drink getting spilled on the couch, the trash not being taken out, too much fishing, water spilled over the side of the tub, the grass growing too high... these are all minor. Yet, in the moment, I seem to get irate. Today, I've tried to take time to think through my "problems," which are not problems at all. When I read prayer request blogs, I see real problems. When I think about the pain my mother-in-law is experiencing, I understand real pain. When I talk to a few of my dearest friends, I feel true hurt. When I watch the news, I see real issues. When I think about my life two years ago, I feel true agony. My problems I think I have, the problems I get so angry over, are nothing. I have to take a moment to look outside myself, think about others, and do what I can to help. Focusing on what's wrong with me will only exhibit selfishness and get me nowhere. But focusing on how I can help others will show love and compassion and strengthen my relationships. Prayer is the most important way we can reach out and help. I pray that I will take my issues into perspective and seek to help and pray for anyone I can.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Dianne said...

It is so easy to let little things take over our thoughts even though we realize how blessed we really are. Prayer and helping others can make a difference. Keep doing both, and I agree you will feel better.

Love you.

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