Thursday, April 21, 2011

Is it bedtime yet?

I need to go to bed. My eyes have been crossing from exhaustion since about 4 pm. Every time I get still and focus to type the blog or read an email, I doze off within five minutes. This is the second time I've tried to type the blog tonight. Moral of the story... If I start sounding like I'm talking gibberish, please disregard this post.

So tonight, I stopped by Dad's to double check his pills. He takes so many, and it helps him if I take care of it. I couldn't make it over to his house last night, so he organized the am/pm pills for the next week. When I got to his house tonight, I took the pills into his bedroom to look over them. When I was finished, I headed back to the kitchen with this in my hand...

Then... I dropped it. I did. I dropped it. Well over 100 pills ALL OVER THE FLOOR!! I wanted to say 15 bad words, but I didn't. Then I wanted to cry, but I didn't. I wanted to pick up the pills and throw them, but I didn't. I just said, "Awe man!!"
Then Dad helped me organize the mess and we fixed it very quickly.

Oops... Just fell asleep again.


Guess what. I had a visitor several times today!!!

Can you see him? (Ignore the trash. Crazy weather!) I was ecstatic and so was Madeley. We sat and stared at him for a long time. I said, "Hi bird!" And Madeley talked what sounded like a foreign language to him. I'm sure he'll be back. How could he resist this adorable face talking to him?

I'm going on to bed now. I hope we sleep later than normal in the morning. Then we must tackle the Easter dress issue.

Thanks for reading!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Betty said...

Happy Easter to you, Derrick and Madeley! I can hardly wait to see y'all 'dolled up' for Sunday. Love the pics.

Dianne said...

Rick certainly has an impressive pill organizer and you are good to help him keep it straight.

I wish I had a suggestion for you for keeping squirrels out of a bird feeder, but we have the same problem and we just fuss about them, too!

Love you.

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