Monday, April 25, 2011

Severe weather go away.

Severe weather go away. Don't come again another day. We are tired of severe weather. Arkansas is seeing everything from flooding to half mile wide tornados. It's scary and serious. I'm always on pins and needles trying to decide if I should leave Madeley sleeping soundly in her bed, or move her to the pack-and-play in our room. If we were in the path of a tornado, I would undoubtedly grab that sweet thing. But when it's just power outage thunder storms, I'm not so sure. Right now, I'm snug in the bed listening to the rain. I'll leave her be for now.


Overflow Easter

I forgot to tell you a sweet Easter story. To start, I must tell you that my former singles Bible study leader taught me many valuable lessons. One thing she repeatedly said was be prepared. Her thoughts: One day your daughter is going to ask you questions about salvation, and you'd better have the answers. Don't get caught unprepared. Stay in The Word and you'll be ready.

Well, that day may have come. Ha ha. Are you thinking Madeley? Not quite. In the middle of a song during church, Caroline tapped my arm and motioned for me to lean down. I did, and she said, "Did you know that some men put Jesus in a cave for three days? He died there. Then he came back to life. HOW is that POSSIBLE?!?"

I shrugged my shoulders. Like this...

(don't judge me by my looks)

Essentially, my body language said... I don't know. I don't know how Christ rose from the dead, Caroline. I don't know how that's possible. I know no answers. I don't know the bulk of my beliefs. I'm not sure why I'm a Christian.

That's what my shrug said. Derrick said, "Babe, you didn't say anything??"

I thought for just a second, then responded. I said, "Caroline, when Jesus came back to life it was a miracle. Do you know what a miracle is? It is something that happened that you never thought could. Something that only God can do. When Jesus died and came back, he saved us from our sins so that we can go to heaven. There, we'll see Mimi."

Did I save that moment?? I hope I didn't ruin it! She loves to hear that she'll see her mimi again one day.

I'm going to wrap it up to save my battery life. Hope everyone is safe! Thanks for reading.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Dianne said...

A wonderful answer to Caroline's question! Miracles are just hard to explain to children (or anyone), but you did great.

I know Tuesday is the second anniversary of Carol's death as well as Kristi's birthday so all of you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Love you.

Ashley said...

So glad you are working so hard to bring Christ into your daughter's life. She will grow into a wonderful bride of Christ from watching her parents love the Lord with all they have.

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