Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Friendship... give and take

Just like marriage, friendship is a give and take relationship. I must say, I have exceptional friends. What I wonder is this: Am I an exceptional friend? My friends are always "there for me" and are always helping me however they can. I appreciate it more than they will ever know, but do I return the favor? My friends are always having to ask how everything's going (mainly because everything's always out of control in my life), but do I take the time to ask them how everything is with them? Heck, I've even inherited my mother's friends too (thank the Lord!). They are willing to help me in any way possible, but how can I help them to return the favor? I guess what I'm saying is I'm needy, surprise surprise. I need my friends for several reasons. But do they need me? What do I bring to the table? I'm not a good listener... I'm an interrupter. I'm never available to help out with their kids... I have a one year old and a sixty-three year old to tend to. I can't get to work early enough to help anyone there. So sometimes I feel plumb useless! I know I'm not, it's just a feeling. I want other people's cares and concerns to be at the forefront of my interests. I need to ask how my friends are doing before I begin to spill my thoughts and issues.

My friend Kristin says I wear my heart on my sleeve. I agree. I'd cry to a stranger. Not her. I have to pull her feelings out of her!! From our friendship, I've learned that people are different. Each one serves it's own purpose in a friendship. If we both cried when we got together, our friendship would be a disaster. I'm the only one allowed to cry. She's the only one allowed to be organized. That's not my job, I'm the crier.

I hope to become more conscious in my role as a friend. I want to "be there" for my friends. I want them to know they can depend on me to support them in any way possible, because I know they would do the same for me.

Thanks to my friends. I love you!


Madeley has recently started blowing her nose. Cutest thing ever! There have been several instances where I would have given anything to have been recording her. I did catch a little bit of it though, so here you go...

YouTube Video

It cracks me up that the blowing of the nose is a full body movement. I just love her!!

Thanks for reading!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Dianne said...

Morgan, I love my friends very much, too. They are truly gifts from God.

I loved the video of Madeley blowing her nose. She is too cute!

Love you.

Betty said...

I have a sign on my wall which says, "Friends are like stars. You don't always see them; but, you know they're always there!" They're the relatives you get to choose for yourself.

Madeley blowing her nose is a hoot! She really gets into it, doesn't she? I'm so glad you are willing to share all the cute moments with us!

Boonies in the Boonies said...

You're a great friend, a fantastic friend. One of my Favorites. :)
Love you.

Cara Norton said...

You are a friend who is HONEST with others. That is hard to come by these days. That is what I appreciate about you the most.

I love you!

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