Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Are you a questioner? Do questions dominate your thoughts? There's always questioners in the classroom. In college, it was my friend Deborah. We would sigh every time her hand shot up. The questions seemed to be pulled from space. And most of the time, we ended up more confused after she'd asked her questions than we were before. I have a questioner in my first class. And yet another in my third class. No one asks questions in fourth block... don't think they're very interested in learning. Anyway, when the questions are asked, you can see the other students start to look at each other. I know the consensus is "what the heck?"
And what do I do with those questions? It's my job to conjure up an appropriate answer to the nonsense. Now usually with a bit of continued instructions, the crazy questions will dissolve. It cracks me up when someone thinks they have a question, but when they start to verbalized it, they end up say "nevermind!" Nevermind always makes me smile, because I know they figured out the nonsense before they followed through with the question.

When I was in eighth grade Algebra I, there was a crazy questioner. Me. I know this is where my math sense started. I wanted to know why and how. Why do you do that? How does that work? When do I do that? What did you do? The list could go on... my teacher was probably losing it. There's no telling what she was thinking every time I raised my hand. Needless to say, the questions payed off... I know my math!! I even won the Algebra I award that year! Does that only sound cool to me?? I was proud, and the teacher even said I wouldn't have made it there without all the questions.

I still ask too many questions. I'm interested. I'm nosy. And I just care. How are we supposed to learn if we just keep our mouths shut? Now, I have some kids that need to be asking some questions. And I have others that should stop asking so many. But if that's how they learn, this eighth grade Algebra I award recipient isn't going to stop them!

I tried to go five minutes without asking any questions the other day. I had to cautiously speak. Questions were just filling my mind and I had to rephrase every thought! Boy, it was tough! Questions are just my nature.

Are you a questioner? Do you know one? I want to know if there are others out there like me!


This video cracks me up. It's from a few months ago. Derrick was gone, so we were trying to send him a sweet message.

YouTube Video

P.S. I fell asleep twice while typing this. Bedtime.

I almost left the sleepy/crazy sentences so you would believe me! Nite nite.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

i miss your accent :-)
and of course i love the math story!

LeLe said...

I'm not really a questioner. I have questions in my head, but I like to research them myself because I just don't want to sound dumb, I guess. Not that people who ask questions are dumb, because obviously that's not true. I just feel dumb when I ask questions and it turns out everyone already knows the answer but me. I'm not a questioner, I'm a researcher. :)

Betty said...

I love to ask Jack questions...he can come up with the strangest, funniest answers! Sometimes, I even believe the answers..haha.

Adorable video...precious laugh and she has the cutest little profile when she turns her head!

Oh,yeah...and, congrats on your Algebra I award...I didn't know that and now I do! Love this blog!

Dianne said...

I ask some questions, but Michal and Mary LeNoir are really curious children and ask a lot of questions. Of course, they also think they have many good answers!

I did not know about your Algebra I award either, but I am proud of you...a nice accomplishment. I think you must have taken after Papaw.

The video was so cute. Madeley is so animated which is wonderful.

Love you.

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