Saturday, March 26, 2011


So I'm sitting here waiting for a haircut. It's nice to sit. When you're out by yourself, there's no pressure to get things done. It's nice. I have a glass bottle coke, and I'm happy!

Anyway, I hate making decisions about hair. Highlights or all over dark? Bangs or no bangs? So hard to decide!! I had bangs in my Italy pictures, so seeing the pictures made me want bangs. Am I going to regret this decision? I would show you a "before" picture, but I'm a little embarrassed. My hair is just not fit to be seen. Good thing I'm here to get it fixed up! I'll come back with an update and a picture soon...

Okay I'm back now. Got bangs!

Very happy with the cut! Thanks for helping me work out those hard decisions.


I'll share a few pictures taken of my little stinker over the past couple of days.

This is her growling/show me your teeth/blow your nose face. She makes it a lot, and it never fails to make me laugh out loud!!

This picture may be a little blurry, but it is precious! I love her interest and innocence.

She played with her bathtub bubble blower last night. Her grandparents got it for her last month, and she loves it!! She makes funny faces when the bubbles are coming out, and I just laugh. It almost seems like she thinks the bubbles are going to hurt her. Ummm... no Madeley, bubbles won't hurt you, I say. Eventually she gets used to them and giggles. Adorable!


I know today was misty and cold, but there are still wonderful signs of spring!

The Dogwood. One of my favorites!!

The wisteria. Smells delicious!

The azaleas. Pretty pink, even though I don't like pink...

And I just loved the water pattern on the ivy. I couldn't resist taking a picture!

I thank the Lord for the beauty of spring! And thank you for reading!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Dianne said...

I love your new haircut (really cute) and enjoyed the pictures of Madeley and of Spring! The dogwood is one of my favorite trees, too.

Love you.

Betty said...

I'm amazed at today's technology. You're driving along, blogging, then we get to see the results right away of your haircut. This is just too much fun! Okay, I'll say it one more time...Madeley is adorable!

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