Thursday, March 10, 2011

Taken for granted

What do we take for granted? So many things. Some of the simplest things in life, we don't even realize we should appreciate them. I listened to the B98.5 Arkansas Children's Hospital drive this morning. I could barely stand it. The stories are heartbreaking, but amazing at the same time. A story of a little deaf girl really caught my attention. They actually had a picture of her hearing for the very first time. Can you believe that? She had gone through life never hearing a sound. Never hearing an inspirational song. Never hearing her mother's voice. Nothing. Then she had surgery at ACH, and she could actually hear. It brought tears to my eyes, just to think of the silence. I was so pleased to know that the surgery corrected her deafness and she can now enjoy the sounds of this world.

Why is it that we roll through life never even thinking that we should be thankful for things such as hearing and sight. I hope that I start appreciating these senses and stop taking them for granted.


Madeley was a hoot tonight. She is such a little mess, but so much fun at the same time! In this video, she was having fun closing and opening the door. You must pay attention to detail. She was wearing a red necklace and hooked to that was a slinky. She would not allow me to remove the designer item, she just loved how adorable she looked. Also, please note that she does the most adorable dance at the end!

YouTube Video

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1 comment:

Betty said...

Counting blessings is one of my favorite pastimes.

Madeley is absolutely a hoot! She has come so far so quickly. Anxiously awaiting our meeting!

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