Sunday, March 27, 2011

Church. Finally!!

Well, we wallered in our end of spring break sorrow for a little bit this morning.

I just can't get enough of that little girl, and I don't look forward to dropping her off with the sitter tomorrow. She'll probably see me shed a tear. I love my Madeley!

After we wallered (which apparently is not a word, but I could not find an appropriate substitute) in our sorrow, we got ready for church!

A little blurry, but you get the picture. From the moment I told Madeley we were going to church, she was a little uncooperative. She pooped right before we walked out the door and had her hair pulled down before we left the driveway. I mean, I was discouraged, but I didn't let it stop me. We were headed to church!

The sermon was wonderful. We had a speaker from India named Godwin Madhusudan. He was amazing! His message was how we've got to take the gospel to people in need. People in India and people next door. Jesus didn't just call us to accept him and pray, he called us to go and spread His good news. I am going to share a few intriguing points Godwin made with you.

•Pray that the people on mission will increase. Not just that there will be new believers, but that they will be on mission with God.
•There is someone waiting for you somewhere in the world. If you never go, that person never hears.
•If Jesus was to preach for two minutes, what would he preach? What would he tell us to do?

These are all very thought provoking points. Godwin was very pure and interesting in his sermon. He discussed the resources they have in India, "We don't have the facilities you all have..." This is so true and so heartbreaking. We create churches that please us, and they devote their facilities and money to sharing the gospel. I was so blessed to hear this sermon and glad I finally went to church!

At the end of the service, our preacher mention how happy he was to see Dad back. Everyone clapped... I cried!!


I made a new recipe today!! The Pioneer Woman's Spicy Dr. Pepper Pork Roast.

It was great! It was almost sweet and just the right spice. Here it is before it went into the oven...

Here it is just out of the oven...

And here it is on my plate...

I ate pork tacos on corn tortillas with lettuce, tomato, cheddar cheese, and fresh cilantro. I also paired the tacos with homemade Mexican rice. Yummy! I have a lot of leftovers if you want to come try some...

Thanks for reading!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


LeLe said...

So good to see you there! And glad I got a hug! That's the first time we've been in awhile too and we almost didn't make it because Win was being a stinker. His naptime is about the time we need to leave for church so it's always a struggle. But we made it! And glad your dad was there too. I loved that Godwin sang an Indian song for us.

Dianne said...

I am so glad you, Madeley, and Rick could make it to Church. Going always makes me feel better, too. I would have loved to have heard your speaker, and I am sure his words were inspiring.

Hope that your first day back at school after Spring Break went well even though I know you missed Madeley!

Love you.

missy said...

Yum Yum....I have been missing that Mexican rice!!!

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